Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day in the Life: Act II

Currently positioned in the Tulsa Airport on a layover on my way back home(?) to Chicago. This airport needs a serious 21st century makeover watching the flight attendants changing the gate signs manually. I had a pretty rough morning dealing with TSA, however, it was made much rougher due to my 3 hours of sleep from the night before. In my complete lack of sanity due to my complete lack of rest I managed to forget to empty out my water bottle before going through security. To my surprise they aren't very lax on the whole "Sorry I forgot I left have a cup of water in my bag," and the woman forced me to exit the security check and dump out my water, then causing me to go through security for a second time. My attitude was influenced by exhaustion and my flight leaving in 30 minutes, so I stomped out of the gate to re-do the entire thing over again-- I did manage to make it highly noticeable I wasn't pleased to all the remaining security around. I was so convulsed by the experience that I then began to think about if I missed my flight. Would they of refunded my flight? Rescheduled a new one for free? I understand the government being strict since past incidents, but I'm a 19 year old girl who has a half a full Lululemon water bottle who's flight leaves in 30 minutes-- could they not of let me just slide?
In positive news, I still managed to make it on my flight, get a front window seat, and pretend to nap for 45 minutes. Overall, I'm remaining positive about my spring break and today because I've managed to shake my seasonal depression and experience the happiness of the sun against my skin for a week. It was lovely being back home even for the short amount of time I was there. These next few weeks will be the ultimate test to see if I can survive the remaining "spring" temperatures Chicago has to offer.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day in the Life: Act I


Today my brother and I embarked on a journey to the Museum of Nature and Science, aka the "Science Place", in downtown Dallas to only be met with the news that it is closed, crushing my dream of the afternoon to relive my childhood of learning how gravity works and building the ultimate log cabin.
It was sad actually pulling up to the building. Paint was peeling off the sides, the signs rusting against the walls, trash cluttering the staircase. It was no longer this large dome-Pantheon shining in front of me full of knowledge and adventure, but rather a small, withering building that lacked the necessarily funding to make sure it is well kept.
In our non-surprise, we moved our adventure to the back of the building to find out the hidden treasure of the "Magical Park" was now merely a mucky pond and decaying attractions. However disappointed I sound in this, I do assure you I was, but I was still happy to be there. I was still joyed to see at least the building stood and the pond wasn't dry and the garden wasn't destroyed. So in true Margaret-fashion, I rallied up the spirit to explore what I could. Although all we did was walk around the building, stare at the pond, and take pictures I still enjoyed my time spent with my brother there. It was a very reminiscent afternoon as we both came to conclusion that growing up means losing somethings that you never truly appreciated until the moment you go back to find out it is gone-- yes this is quite heavy of a statement for losing a museum, but it was a very special museum.

(Footnote: We did leave after 30 minutes to go get tacos and corn from Fuel City, sadly.)

March Madness

Why I attempt to venture out on various blogging websites I do not know, but what the hell, it is my spring break I can live a little.